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Showing posts from March, 2013

Call other iOS Users for Free using Facebook Messenger

Facebook is very popular as a social site among every one today and to strive for the next level it is constantly changing and upgrading its features. Till now people can see the updates of their friends and like their photos and all but their mobile app for the iOS users got a new feature recently.

How to Resize Images without Opening the Image Editing Tool

Windows is supplied with Paint that is the only built-in image processing application for Windows. However this is a good app but just for the folks who need to do basic editing, but for those who want to edit images to a high end don’t find Paint to be desirable. Microsoft has not updated Paint in last four years which is definitely a big time and due to this the application lacks a number of features that one would find easily in a third part application.

How to Change Time Format on Lock Screen in Windows 8

The Windows 8 users are well aware of the Lock Screen. This displays the date, time and weather. Lock Screen can be easily displayed just by pressing Windows key and L at the same time. The date and time on the Lock Screen appear in the same format as it appears in the taskbar, for instance if you use 24 hour clock format then it would show in the same format. But this is not necessary to be displayed in the same format, you can customize it according to your need.

How to Turn Off Notification Sound on Facebook

The folks using Facebook on frequent basis must have noticed that Facebook has integrated beep along with the notifications you receive on Facebook. This is OK if you are receiving just a couple of notification per day but what for those who receive hundreds of those. This would be bit annoying for them to receive a beep every time they get a notification.

How to Access Yahoo Recent Log in Activity

The users of Yahoo Mail are declining just because they find that their account was hacked or is being used by some other person who is unknown. This might be harmful and this could lead to a privacy leak issue. As users find no way to deal this so they better think to switch their Mail service.

How to Run Android on Windows PC with Youwave

There was a time when using Android apps on Windows Operating System was a thought only. But now it does not remain just as a thought only as over about a few months there are number of applications released to install and run Android Apps on Windows. And the good thing about these apps is that you don’t need to install virtualization software. 

How to get YouTube Lyrics on Chrome, Opera & Firefox

Now a days most of the computer users especially those working in offices on computers, used to listen music via YouTube, this is beneficial in two ways as you get audio and video side by side and the suggestions that are displayed are according to your mood and taste. Most commonly people listen to the song instead of watching its video and the song keeps on playing in back ground. But sometimes the users cannot understand what the artist is actually saying and it turns to be difficult to make it out.

How To Reset Facebook Privacy Settings to Protect yourself from Graph Search

Have you set your Facebook Profile Privacy properly? You need to do it once more or at least review your profile privacy as Facebook has rolled out Graph Search which helps a user to search for a person to search for a person of his interest.

How To Manually BackUp Your iPhone

People are informed that the battery loss is not caused by UltraSn0w, and they also advised people to set their iPhones as a “New Phone” when they restore and not use the backup, because it seems that is the reason for the battery drain.  Note: To SSH into iphone download this software ifunbox How to save Contacts Database: SSH into the iPhone and go to /private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook you will find 2 files there. save them on your computer.

How to Bring Back Hibernation Mode in Windows 8

Many of the Windows users are having issues with the newer OS of Windows. This is just because the innovations and modifications that Microsoft added to Windows 8.